Breaking News! ActBlue Implodes, Executives Flee as FBI Closes In! [Video]

The political landscape is on the brink of a seismic shift as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and the FBI prepare to unveil what could be the largest money-laundering scandal in U.S. history, targeting ActBlue, the Democrats’ primary fundraising platform. In a bombshell interview with conservative commentator Benny Johnson, Comer laid out a damning case against the far-left organization, accusing it of funneling billions in suspicious funds—potentially from foreign adversaries—into Democrat coffers under the guise of grassroots donations.

“We’re investigating ActBlue the same way we investigated the Bidens,” Comer declared. “We’re starting with the suspicious activity reports—bank violations that flag financial crimes. And let me tell you, the evidence is overwhelming.”

As the investigation intensifies, chaos has erupted within ActBlue. Key executives are resigning, lawyers are fleeing, and employees are being locked out of their systems, sending frantic messages about whistleblowers. Johnson aptly summarized the situation: “When the lawyers flee, you know you’re cooked.” Comer confirmed the exodus, stating, “These people know what’s coming. If ActBlue was innocent, they’d be out there defending themselves, calling me a conspiracy theorist. Instead, they’re running for the hills.”

The investigation began after Comer’s committee uncovered a flood of small-dollar donations from untraceable sources, many from elderly Americans unaware their names were being used to funnel cash into Democrat campaigns. Comer explained, “We smelled something. Obviously, it came out—what Rubio said—that they weren’t using the code on the back of credit cards, which allowed for fraud.” He added, “We requested these violations, and they wouldn’t give them to us. After the election, Janet Yellen let a few of my staffers go in there. They saw that, yes, there were several hundred suspicious activity reports from various banks. We got to look at 12 of them. I can tell you, they were bad.”

The implications of this scandal are staggering. Comer suggested that the Biden administration colluded with the mainstream media to cover up the illicit activities, drawing parallels to the Biden family investigations. “The people protecting Biden colluded with the mainstream media. They fed them exactly what to say, exactly what to print,” Comer said. He accused the media of pushing a false narrative of grassroots support for Democrats, stating, “When the media all comes out at the same time, pushing the same talking points—that’s collusion.”

The evidence is mounting. Johnson highlighted the case of Kerry Alberti, an 80-year-old woman from Richmond, Virginia, who allegedly made 22,619 donations totaling $800,397 in 500 days. “How is that possible?” Johnson asked. Comer responded, “She’d have to have a pretty big credit card limit to do that.” He emphasized that banks would flag such suspicious activity, adding, “All that information is sitting in the Treasury. And you might ask, ‘Why is it in the Treasury?’ Well, the FBI should be looking into it.”

This scandal underscores the importance of President Donald Trump’s commitment to draining the swamp and holding corrupt institutions accountable. As Comer noted, “If ActBlue goes down—if people go to prison—if there are frog marches for ActBlue executives—the Democrat Party is finished.” The liberal media, which has long shielded Democrat operatives, is now facing its reckoning. Their collusion in perpetuating false narratives and covering up financial crimes is being exposed, thanks to the relentless efforts of Trump-aligned leaders like Comer.



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