Mainstream Media Accused of Labeling Bible as Pornogrphic, Advocates for More Radical Views in Schools

Recently, CNN anchor Pamela Brown conducted an interview with Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The discussion was centered around Walter’s proposal to integrate Bible studies into school curriculum as a means to provide students with an accurate understanding of American history. However, the interview seemed more like an attempt by Brown to discredit Walters rather than a constructive conversation.

Throughout their dialogue, Brown repeatedly insinuated that Walters intended to teach students about violent acts such as beheadings and even suggested that the Bible is of pornographic nature. Despite these accusations, Walters maintained his composure and steered the conversation back to the importance of teaching historical accuracy to students.

Despite Walters’ attempts to clarify his intentions, Brown persisted in questioning him on whether he advocated teaching about rape, incest, and beheadings. Rather than addressing Walters’ points, she appeared more interested in stirring up controversy and painting him as a harmful figure. It was evident that Brown’s aim was not to understand Walter’s plan but to push her own narrative and undermine his proposal.

Walters consistently emphasized that his primary objective was to ensure students comprehend the significant role the Bible has played in American history. He pointed out that influential figures like Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King Jr. frequently referenced the Bible in their work, making it crucial for students to understand this facet of the nation’s past.

Despite Walters’ explanations, Brown continued to ignore his points and persist in her accusations. At one point, she even laughed while asking him if he supported teaching about rape and incest. Her readiness to dismiss Walters and distort his words reflects her bias and unwillingness to have a sincere conversation.

It is alarming that Brown chose to concentrate on contentious topics such as rape and incest instead of discussing the merits of incorporating Bible study into schools. It became clear that her interest lay more in sensationalizing the story than in informing the public about the specifics of the proposal. Her disregard for facts and preference for sensationalism is a disservice to her profession as a journalist and only reinforces the narrative that liberal media outlets prioritize their agenda over truth.


Brown also tried to liken the Bible to pornographic material, an absurd comparison. Walters promptly dismissed this comparison, asserting that the Bible cannot be equated with any material that promotes sexuality or gender identity. He reiterated that his primary aim of incorporating the Bible into school curriculum is to enhance students’ understanding of their country’s history, not to indoctrinate them or propagate a particular viewpoint.

This interview between Walters and Brown is indicative of mainstream media’s attempts to undermine conservative figures and their agendas. Instead of facilitating a productive and informative discussion about the pros and cons of teaching the Bible in schools, Brown dismissed Walters’ reasoning and consistently brought up irrelevant and sensationalized accusations. It’s high time that liberal media put aside their biases and engage in sincere discussions about significant societal issues.


  1. The Mainstream Media is “mostly peaceful demonstrations,” “Trump is Russia, Russia, Russia collusion,” “the laptop is Russian disinformation,” “Nazis are good people”~~der Fuhrer dictator Trump will throw the Mainstream Media into concentration camps” Big Time Baldfaced Always Libtarded Lying Like Hell Freaking FAKE NEWS!


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