In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the cherished game show host Bob Barker, who commanded the stage of CBS’s “The Price Is Right” from 1972 to 2007, has passed away after a long and grueling battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. This devastating news, first reported by TMZ, has left fans worldwide mourning the loss of an iconic figure in the realm of entertainment.
Barker’s death certificate, as reviewed by TMZ, reveals that he had been fighting Alzheimer’s Disease for years, however, it did not specify when the diagnosis was made. Barker had previously spoken out about his condition in collaboration with animal rights group PETA back in 2013.
The charismatic host used his platform to advocate a vegetarian diet, claiming that eliminating meat could help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s. “Eating meat means that you have a much greater chance of losing your mind,” Barker proclaimed, revealing that he himself had been a vegetarian for nearly three decades.
Barker departed this world peacefully at his home on August 26, leaving behind a legacy that extends beyond his illustrious career in television. His tireless commitment to animal rights was evident in his work, and his iconic sign-off in ‘The Price Is Right’, urging viewers to spay and neuter their pets, remains etched in the minds of many.
PETA offered a heartfelt tribute to their former advocate, recognizing his indisputable influence on the entertainment industry, and his unwavering dedication to protecting animals. They highlighted Barker’s early adoption of vegetarianism over 30 years ago, making him one of the first stars to do so.
CBS also expressed deep sorrow over the loss of a beloved member of their family. During his 35-year stint as host of ‘The Price Is Right’, Barker made dreams come true for countless people, creating an atmosphere where everyone felt like a winner. CBS lauded Barker’s legendary 50-year career in broadcasting and his dedication as an animal rights activist.
The passing of Bob Barker marks the end of an era in daytime television. The iconic star will be remembered not only for his charismatic presence on ‘The Price Is Right’ but also for his profound commitment to animal rights. His remarkable legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.