More and more people are asking the question: can you live on a cruise ship? The answer is a resounding yes! Cruise ships offer an amazing lifestyle that combines convenience, luxury, and surprisingly…affordability.
The Benefits of Living on a Cruise Ship
Living on a cruise ship comes with plenty of perks. In addition to enjoying the sights and sounds of life at sea, you get access to high-end amenities like private cabins, fitness centers, gourmet restaurants, and spas. You’ll also be able to explore destinations around the world while still having all the comforts of home. Best of all, living aboard a cruise ship provides an incredible sense of community as you’ll get to know your fellow passengers and crew members over time.
Costs Involved in Living Aboard a Cruise Ship
It’s important to note that living aboard a cruise ship does have some associated costs. Depending on the length of your stay and type of cabin you choose (inside or outside), you can expect to pay anywhere from $2500-$5000 per month in rent depending on the inclusivity of food and other amenities like laundry services; however, many cruises offer discounts for extended stays so it pays to shop around if you’re planning an extended stay aboard one vessel. Additionally, most ships also charge an additional fee for electricity and other basic services such as internet access.
Living aboard a cruise ship offers an amazing opportunity for adventure seekers who want something different from their normal routine. Not only will you get access to luxurious amenities, but you’ll also be able to explore destinations around the world from the comfort of your own home away from home. Plus, with reasonable rates and discounts available for longer stays, living onboard is more affordable than you might think! So why not give it a try? Pack up your bags and let adventure take hold! With cruising lifestyles becoming increasingly popular among Americans these days – why not join in? Live life large – live life aboard a cruise ship!
Why is $2500 a month, and up, supposed to be cheap? Yes the amenities, and the travel are great , but that still is a lot. If you could afford to pay this and want to travel this is a good way to do it for certain amounts of time.