Car Launched Through the Air After Tire Pops Off Truck

In an unbelievable scene, a car was launched into the air on the Ronald Reagan Freeway in Los Angeles after a tire fell off of a nearby truck. Dash-cam footage from a Tesla captured the extraordinary moment when the runaway tire collided with an unsuspecting Kia Soul, sending it 10 feet into the air.

The incident occurred when a Chevrolet Silverado experienced a wheel failure, causing the Kia to run into the rolling terror. The impact of the collision caused the car to flip before violently landing on its bonnet and roof. Due to the speed of the vehicle, it flipped again before coming to rest on its side. Miraculously, no one was injured in this incredible event.

The video quickly went viral and sparked conversations about safety on highways across America. Many people were shocked at how quickly such an unlikely event could occur and how easily it could have resulted in tragedy rather than just shock and awe.

This incident serves as an important reminder that drivers should always be aware of their surroundings while driving and take extra precautions when traveling at high speeds or in congested areas. It is also essential for drivers to ensure that their vehicles are properly maintained so that they can avoid dangerous situations like this one. There really wasn’t a lot that the Kia Soul could have done to avoid the accident. Sometimes accidents are going to happen no matter what you do.

It is important to note that this type of incident is rare but not unheard of; similar incidents have occurred in other parts of the world as well. In 2018, another car was launched into midair after running over a tire on a highway in India. This time, however, no one was injured due to quick thinking by bystanders who rushed to help those inside the vehicle before it landed upside down on its roof.

In conclusion, this incredible incident serves as an important reminder that drivers should always be aware of their surroundings while driving and take extra precautions when traveling at high speeds or in congested areas. It is also essential for drivers to ensure that their vehicles are properly maintained so that they can avoid dangerous situations like this one.


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