Harris’s Economic Plan: A $25K Bribe!

Vice President Kamala Harris is back at it again, proving once more that she’s out of touch with what this country truly needs. Her latest economic plan is nothing more than a desperate attempt to pander to voters, throwing money around as if the national debt doesn’t matter. The centerpiece of her plan? Offering $25,000 to first-time homebuyers. Yes, you read that right—Harris thinks the solution to our economic woes is to pump even more money into an already bloated economy.

A $25,000 Vote Grab

Let’s get one thing straight: giving away $25,000 to first-time homebuyers is not a solution. It’s a gimmick, plain and simple. Harris is banking on the idea that throwing cash at people will win her votes, but what she’s really doing is fueling an already overheated housing market. Prices are already sky-high, and dumping more money into the system will only push them higher. It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire and expecting it to go out.

Harris’s plan is nothing short of reckless. We’ve already seen what happens when the government gets too involved in the housing market—remember the 2008 financial crisis? This $25,000 giveaway will only make homes less affordable in the long run by driving up demand without addressing the real issue: supply. More people rushing into the market with extra cash will only result in higher home prices, not lower ones. And guess who’s going to foot the bill for this? That’s right—you, the taxpayer.

Price Gouging on Food? Really?

But wait, there’s more. Harris isn’t just stopping at housing; she’s also got her sights set on “price gouging” in the food industry. She’s proposing a federal ban on what she calls “corporate price-gouging” on food. This is ludicrous. The idea that the government can step in and control prices without causing massive disruptions in the market is beyond naive—it’s dangerous.

Let’s be clear: price controls have never worked. Just look at history. Countries that have tried to control prices—Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union—have all ended up with the same result: shortages, black markets, and, ironically, higher prices. Harris’s plan to penalize food companies for “price gouging” will only lead to less competition, fewer choices, and ultimately, higher costs for consumers.

The Democratic Dilemma: Stuck with Harris

Even moderate Democrats are shaking their heads at this one. They know Harris isn’t the answer, but they’re stuck with her. The initial excitement around her campaign is starting to wear off, and reality is setting in. Harris’s economic plan is not just bad policy—it’s downright dumb. It’s a mishmash of ideas cobbled together from left-wing think tanks and socialist dreamers like Bernie Sanders and The Squad. And let’s be honest, these ideas have been rejected by sensible people for decades.

Moderate Democrats hoped Harris would steer clear of extreme policies, but instead, she’s doubling down. And who can blame them for being worried? Harris’s embrace of far-left economic policies is a gift to Republicans. It’s only going to make it harder for Democrats to win in battleground states where voters care more about results than radical rhetoric.

Final Thoughts

Harris’s economic plan is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. It’s nothing more than a blatant vote grab disguised as policy. Offering $25,000 to first-time homebuyers and proposing price controls on food companies are not solutions—they’re disasters waiting to happen. Even moderate Democrats know this, but they’re stuck with a candidate who’s more interested in pandering than in actually fixing the economy.

What we need is less government intervention, not more. We need policies that promote growth, not giveaways that only serve to inflate prices and hurt the very people they’re supposed to help. Harris’s plan is a disaster in the making, and it’s time we called it what it is: pure pandering.


  1. “Sweet Sixteen, Tha’s my Queen” ( an old pop hit). See, 16 years ago (too far back for KaKala to remember) The Bush administration was faced with an almost similar set of circumstances, except he listened to Fed Chair Ben Bernanke and his FOMC advisers “to do sump’in” about the unfolding National Housing mess.”Sure ’nuff,” Eureka! We Hit Gold…spread about (to all USA, who are seeking buying their future domiciles)…WITH GIGANTIC SUBPRIME LOANS. Wheee! Off we went to the races, it was “Texas Hold ‘EM” on steroids. First to fold was Countrywide. Tha’ was small potatoes! Silently, though, The Really “Big Guys” followed. Goldman Sachs (for example) then Fed Chair said, UHoh!!! The whole financial system is buckling under…BAM!!! A recession like nobody saw it coming!!!! KAKALA’s proposal takes us to the very same “ECONOMIC PLACE” (JUST READ LUDWING VON MISES – a primer in basic Economics). As Elmer Fudd always says, “Stupid is, as Stupid Does!” Folks, it’s the INTEL STATE, ADMINISTRATVE STATE AND EXECUTIVE STATE combined deliberately shrinkin’ OUR GOD GIVEN, CREATED, MIDDLE CLASS!!! Wake-up! Geeez! That’s why our Founding Fathers created three branches of government: The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. The Federal Reserve was a copy of the Failed Bank of England…and the reigning “monied” families wanted total control(1913) of ALL Currency. Got IT? Greedy, naughty, shame, shame your pants are on fire!. God Bless. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. Vote MAGA! We’re STUCK AT 2%!

  2. Wonder if any one has taken the time to estimate what her wonderful $25,000 “giveaway” will cost US? Let’s see.,, We have about 300 million people in this country; assume 10 million take her up on her “offer”. 10,000,000 X 25,000 = 250,000,000,000; that’s BILLION folks. Now where will that come from? Hmmm? Either MORE TAXES OR MORE PRINTED MONEY = inflation on steroids. What a bunch of bovine effluent!!!! YES, SHE IS A DAMN LYING WITCH (with a “B”)


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