Killed Serviceman’s Mom Blasts Harris/Biden Over Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster!

Three years have passed since the disastrous Abbey Gate terror attack that claimed the lives of 13 brave American service members in Afghanistan. But while the Harris-Biden administration has tried to sweep this tragedy under the rug, we must remember the truth: these men and women died needlessly because of the reckless and arrogant decisions made by those in power.

This tragedy didn’t have to happen. It was the result of a catastrophic failure at the highest levels of government, driven by a desire for a cheap headline. Biden wanted to boast about bringing our troops home before the 20th anniversary of 9/11, and Harris was right there with him, endorsing this disastrous move. They ignored the warnings from senior military advisors, choosing instead to gamble with American lives for political gain. And it backfired in the worst possible way.

Biden and Harris Ignored the Experts

Let’s be clear: this was not just an accident. Biden and Harris ignored the experts who warned them about the dangers of pulling out of Afghanistan so abruptly. The intelligence was there. The warnings were loud and clear. Senior military advisors cautioned that a hasty withdrawal would leave American forces vulnerable. But Biden, ever eager to play the hero, brushed these concerns aside. And Harris? She claimed to be the last person in the room when the decision was made, so she shares the blame.

What followed was chaos. The Taliban, emboldened by the sudden vacuum of power, stormed the capital. As our troops scrambled to secure Kabul’s airport, ISIS seized the opportunity to strike. Thirteen American lives were lost in that horrific attack. And for what? So Biden could have a headline?

The Administration’s Desperate Cover-Up

Since that fateful day, the Biden administration has done everything in its power to distance itself from the disaster it created. They’ve tried to paint the withdrawal as an inevitable tragedy, something that was beyond their control. But we know better. This wasn’t a tragedy that happened to them—it was a tragedy of their own making.

Paula Canals, the mother of Staff Sergeant Ryan Kristian Canals—the only Army member killed in the attack—has been outspoken in her grief and anger. She, like so many other Gold Star families, wants accountability. But instead of taking responsibility, the Biden administration has tried to bury the truth. Biden’s cold and distant response to grieving families, his refusal to acknowledge the gravity of his mistake, and Harris’s silence on the matter all point to one thing: they know they messed up, but they’re too proud to admit it.

Even worse, when given the chance to show some basic human decency, Biden failed spectacularly. When Paula Canals met with Biden in the Oval Office, she was overcome with emotion, weeping in front of the man who sent her son to his death. Instead of offering her comfort, Biden stood there, cold and detached. This is not the behavior of a leader with compassion. This is the behavior of a man who sees himself as above the consequences of his actions.

Harris’s Role: Equally Responsible

And what about Kamala Harris? She’s tried to distance herself from the disaster, but let’s not forget her own words. Harris has proudly stated that she was the last person in the room when the decision to withdraw was made. She was Biden’s closest advisor, and she gave the green light for this disastrous plan. Her involvement makes her just as responsible for the deaths of those 13 service members.

As Harris now sets her sights on the presidency, it’s important to remember her role in this tragedy. If she couldn’t stand up to Biden when it mattered most, how can we trust her to lead the nation? Her silence on the matter speaks volumes. Harris was complicit in this decision, and now she’s hoping we’ll all just forget about it. But we won’t. We’ll remember the blood on her hands.

The Need for Accountability

The American people deserve accountability. We deserve leaders who own up to their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. Biden and Harris have shown they are incapable of that. They’ve tried to cover up their failures, hoping the American people will move on and forget. But we won’t forget. And we won’t forgive.

The lives of those 13 service members were sacrificed for nothing more than political posturing. Their blood is on the hands of Biden and Harris, and no amount of spin or cover-up can change that. The families of the fallen deserve justice, and the American people deserve the truth.



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