Kamala Has Tulsi Gabbard Placed on Terror Watchlist – Disgusting!

Tulsi Gabbard, a former congresswoman and combat veteran, was recently added to the TSA’s “Quiet Skies” watchlist, and the implications are chilling. This move wasn’t just a bureaucratic mistake; it was a calculated act of political retribution. The evidence is clear: just one day after Gabbard dared to criticize Kamala Harris in a prime-time interview, she found herself treated like a terrorist by her own government. This kind of underhanded and unconstitutional behavior should disqualify Kamala Harris from holding any public office, even that of a city dog catcher. The fact that someone so unscrupulous could be this close to the highest office in the land is terrifying.

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Tulsi Gabbard: A Patriot Betrayed

Tulsi Gabbard is no ordinary citizen. She’s a veteran who enlisted after 9/11 to protect this country from terrorists, not to be treated like one by her own government. Yet, after speaking out against Kamala Harris, Gabbard was suddenly placed on the TSA’s “Quiet Skies” list. This program, which sounds like something out of George Orwell’s “1984,” subjects innocent Americans to invasive security checks without their knowledge or consent.

Gabbard described her experience as nothing short of harassment. Each time she boarded a plane, she was met with aggressive pat-downs, extra security, and even drug-sniffing dogs. Her boarding passes were marked with the “SSSS” designation, which stands for “Secondary Security Screening Selection,” and she was forced to undergo what can only be described as humiliating and invasive searches. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a deliberate attempt to intimidate and silence a political opponent.

The Vindictive Hand of Kamala Harris

There is no denying the timing here. The day after Gabbard warned the American people about the dangers of a Kamala Harris presidency, she found herself on a government watchlist. This is not a coincidence; it’s a clear act of retaliation. Harris’s political machine has long been known for its ruthlessness, but this crosses a line.

We are supposed to live in a country where free speech is protected, not punished. But it seems Harris and her cronies are willing to use the full weight of the government to crush anyone who dares to stand against them. This isn’t just dirty politics; it’s an abuse of power that should have every American concerned, regardless of their political beliefs.

A Program Built for Control, Not Security

The “Quiet Skies” program itself is a travesty. Designed under the guise of national security, it has done nothing but violate the civil liberties of innocent Americans. The program operates in the shadows, with no transparency, no oversight, and no due process. Once you’re on the list, good luck getting off. There’s no explanation for why you were added, and no way to appeal the decision.

In Gabbard’s case, there was no evidence of any wrongdoing, no reason to suspect she was a threat. But that didn’t stop the TSA from treating her like one. And it’s not just her; countless other Americans have been subjected to this Orwellian nightmare. It’s time to dismantle this program before it destroys more lives.

Harris Should Be Prosecuted

Kamala Harris’s involvement in this scandal is undeniable. Whether she directly ordered Gabbard’s placement on the watchlist or simply allowed it to happen under her watch, she is responsible. This kind of political retribution is not just unethical; it’s criminal. Harris should be prosecuted for her role in this abuse of power.

If we allow this to go unpunished, what’s next? Will political opponents start disappearing in the night? Will the government start using its powers to silence anyone who dares to speak out? We cannot allow this to become the new normal. Harris has proven that she is unfit for office. She should be removed from any position of power and held accountable for her actions.

Final Thoughts

Tulsi Gabbard’s ordeal is a wake-up call. Our government is supposed to protect our rights, not trample on them. Kamala Harris has shown that she has no respect for the Constitution, no respect for the rule of law, and no respect for the American people. Her actions are a disgrace to this country, and she should be held accountable. If we want to preserve our freedoms, we must stand up against this kind of tyranny, no matter where it comes from.

What do you think? Should Harris be prosecuted for this abuse of power? Let us know in the comment section below.



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