A woman in Australia was recently shocked to receive a bill for a fence that was built 17 years ago by her neighbor. Shannon Spencer, who had recently moved into her home in Yanchep, was given a receipt for $506 for the boundary fence, which was constructed in 2005. Despite the relatively small amount, Shannon was taken aback by the fact that her neighbor had been holding onto the receipt for 17 years, waiting to present it to her.
Believe it or not, under Australia’s Divided Fences Act, the neighbor was within his rights to ask Shannon and the other neighbors to share the cost of the fence, but Shannon is disputing the amount she has been asked to pay due to the condition of the fence.
According to the neighbor, all the other neighbors had already paid for the fence, and Shannon was the last one to be billed. Under Australia’s Divided Fences Act, the neighbor was within his rights to ask Shannon and the other neighbors to share the cost of the fence. The previous owner of Shannon’s home was not required to pay because the land was vacant at the time the fence was built.
Shannon is disputing the amount she has been asked to pay, citing the condition of the fence, which she says is “rusted” and “not even the same height” as the surrounding fences. While a local lawyer has confirmed that the law is on the neighbor’s side, he suggested that Shannon pay the bill, as it is a relatively small amount and a legal dispute may not be worth the hassle. He also pointed out that the cost of constructing a new fence today would be significantly higher.
As someone who lives in the United States, this sounds absolutely ridiculous to us. There is no way that you’re going to get away with passing off a bill for a fence that was built 17 years ago to anyone here, much less someone who just moved into the house and had nothing to do with the fence.
Bunch of clowns! I have to pay for someone else putting up a fense? Not going to happen! Stupid law! Pay for it yourself!